We have decided to try to make good use of e-lessons this year to provide you with extra information we may not have time to share with you at school. We will be adding resources, school projects & homework on this site so you can explore some of our in class topics from the comfort of your home!!
ALWAYS use the internet SAFELY and with adult supervision. Ask your parents and teachers for help!!
Thank you for taking a look!!
Miss Noelle

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012


Hello students!

A.) During last TIC class you were working on your brochure of your technological object, remember?!  Today you will return to that project for a few minutes to finish up any small details you were not able to complete.

B.) Next you will take out your sketch book where you have your improved design.  Keep it nearby as you will need it as a guide for you to construct your design online.

Miss Marisel will be teaching you how to use a program called Google Sketchup so that you can design your improved model.  Please follow along & listen to her instrustions very carefully. Below is the link.

Please do not forget to save your work in your folder on the desktop & in your pendrive (always in 2 places) if you are missing one of these items, please email your work to one of your teachers!

Please have fun learning & designing your improved object!!!

Old Bus Design

Modern Bus

Improved Flying Bus

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

A Mothers Day Poem from 5B - Macarena A.

Le regalo a mi mama una sonrisa de plata la cual ilumina mi cara cuando en la noche me tapa.
Le regalo a mi mama el lenguaje de los duendes por entender lo que digo cuando nadie mas me entiende.
Le regalo a mi mama un sombrero de mago donde quepan mis besos envueltos para regalo.

                                                              FELIZ DÍA MAMA!!!

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

A GREAT Inventor

A brief biography

BOOK REPORT is very near...

Book Report Forms 5

 I hope you had a great time reading your 2nd book because the time is getting near to share what you have learned.
Children here are your requirements. 
1. Read and enjoy your book! J
2. Prepare your oral report, this means write your report in your notebook so you can check to see if you have completed all requirements & also view your mistakes & make corrections.which will be presented starting in JULY during class time. I will assign you your times by class. 
3. Your report must begin with the following,
- an introduction (it is very polite to greet your audience!!)
- the title,
- number of pages,
- genre (This word means type for example, romantic, fiction, sci-fi, etc.), and publishing information (where and when it was printed for the first time.)
4. Next you should give a brief explanation of what your book is about (1 or 2 sentences).
5. Tell us what you think the authors´ purpose was in telling this story.
6. Describe the setting (location the story took place).
7. Give us the point of view (Hint- Who was telling your story?)
8. Who were the main characters (describe one) and any other important characters that were present?
9. What was the main event in the story (the plot)?  Was there any major event or problem that needed to be solved?
10. What was the conclusion (ending result) of your story?
11. What was your favourite part?  What was your least favourite part?
12. What would you change if you could?
13. Would you recommend this story to others? Why or why not?
14. Please share up to 3 new words you have learned along the way.

Your bonus option this time is to present your book report as a character from your story. (You must come to school in your full uniform & dress prior to the report & change back after.)

***Children the key to sucess of an oral presentation is to be very prepared, meaning prepare a good written report, then check it, for mistakes & finally, practice, practice, practice!!! 
  If you rehearse enough, even though you may get nervous in front of the class, you will still be able to present & be a great success!!
  I look forward to hearing your amazing book reports!!
Best wishes for an improved result!!!
Thank you!
Miss Noelle