Ladies & Gentlemen,
In todays computer class you will be doing a super fun activity!! Yippee!!
Today you will be using a software that allows you to bring your comic strips to life meaning, you will convert your comic to a moving cartoon. I believe you have used this program in Form 4.
Miss Marisel will be guiding you through this process so please listen carefully!!!
You should have your sketch book in hand. In this book you should have a 9 block comic strip done in a previous class (so that your ideas are ready.) You will have to go directly to work with the program. There will be no time permitted to construct a comic strip in computing class!
Your comic strip must teaching the importance of at least 2 nutrients. Your teacher will assign this to you as we will need 10 students representing 2 each.
Your comic may look somthing like these but when we are finished they will be a moving cartoon!! Go ahead & have fun sharing about healthy nutrients!!
Miss Noelle
We have decided to try to make good use of e-lessons this year to provide you with extra information we may not have time to share with you at school. We will be adding resources, school projects & homework on this site so you can explore some of our in class topics from the comfort of your home!!
ALWAYS use the internet SAFELY and with adult supervision. Ask your parents and teachers for help!!
Thank you for taking a look!!
Miss Noelle
viernes, 22 de junio de 2012
miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012
IRONMAN eHW for next weeks class
Hello Children, Well we have read up to chapter 4 so far... what a journey huh?! Please complete the following short activity in your notebooks for next weeks class (ehw).
1. Please write the significance of the following places in relation to what we have read recently in our story.
a.) Siberia
b.) Australia
c.) Indian Ocean
d.) Italy
e.) Switzerland
2. Write 2 sentences using the contrasting meanings of the word terrific.
3. The text gave us a lot of information about this strange creature, please think about its attitude, personality & appearance (as we discussed in class) to write a short paragraph (minimum 4 sentences) describing the space-bat-angel-dragon. Please use a minimum of 5 adjectives.
Children if you have any doubts & would like to borrow a copy of The Ironman to assist you with this homework, please come & see me! I would be very happy to help!
Thank you!
Miss Noelle
1. Please write the significance of the following places in relation to what we have read recently in our story.
a.) Siberia
b.) Australia
c.) Indian Ocean
d.) Italy
e.) Switzerland
2. Write 2 sentences using the contrasting meanings of the word terrific.
3. The text gave us a lot of information about this strange creature, please think about its attitude, personality & appearance (as we discussed in class) to write a short paragraph (minimum 4 sentences) describing the space-bat-angel-dragon. Please use a minimum of 5 adjectives.
Children if you have any doubts & would like to borrow a copy of The Ironman to assist you with this homework, please come & see me! I would be very happy to help!
Thank you!
Miss Noelle
Mathematics- Equivalent Fractions & Simplyfing Fractions
Hello Children,
I hope you are having fun learning about fractions at school... obviously you will have homework from your textbook but just in case you have a doubt look at the diagrams & click on each one to go to a game... this may help you!
Have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle
Equivalent Fractions
These are fractions that even though they have different numbers they are equal or have the same value. (Click on each diagram to practice)
Fraction Game
Simplyfing Fractions
Simple fractions are fractions in their smallest, easiest form (they are also equivalent). (Click on each diagram to practice)
I hope you are having fun learning about fractions at school... obviously you will have homework from your textbook but just in case you have a doubt look at the diagrams & click on each one to go to a game... this may help you!
Have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle
Equivalent Fractions
These are fractions that even though they have different numbers they are equal or have the same value. (Click on each diagram to practice)
Fraction Game
Simplyfing Fractions
Simple fractions are fractions in their smallest, easiest form (they are also equivalent). (Click on each diagram to practice)
martes, 19 de junio de 2012
SMOKING & The Respiratory System
Is smoking bad for us?
How does smoking effect our body?
(Please click on the questions to view clips)
Take a look...
How does smoking effect our body?
(Please click on the questions to view clips)
Take a look...

Why is one pair of lungs black while the other pair is white & pink?
What is in cigarettes?
Are any of these things on your list of nutrients that make your body function & survive? Would you purposely go ahead & eat of breath any of these things?
Please write any questions or comments in your notebook so we can discuss your thoughts & feelings in the classroom.
Miss Noelle
lunes, 18 de junio de 2012
Hello Children,
**Please read this article with an adult! DO NOT test any of these claims as they could bring harm. This article is just to provoke thoughts and opinions for our in class experiment!!**
Did you know that some things we do everyday can be harmful to our bodies? For example, not wearing a helmet while riding our bicycle or not brushing our teeth after we eat. Well...
How many of you drink a glass of soda without thinking that it could be dangerous?
Lets take a minute to learn about some the strong effects of soda on non living things?
Please watch the following clip to see what soda can do to things that are not living,imagine what (this thing, that we drink all the time,) can do to our living bodies.
1) To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china. No scrubbing, no sweat - guaranteed.
4) To loosen a rusted bolt; Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
5) To remove grease from clothes; Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle.
8) The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its Ph is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.
9) To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly corrosive materials.
10) The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years.
All the dissolved calcium compounds accumulate in the arteries, veins, skin tissue, and organs. This affects the functioning of the kidney (kidney stones). Soft drinks do not have any nutritional value (in terms of vitamins and minerals). They have higher sugar content, higher acidity, and more additives such as preservatives and colourings.Some people like to take cold soft drinks after each meal, guess what's the impact? Our body has an optimum temperature of 37 degrees for the functioning of digestive enzymes. The temperature of cold soft drinks is much less than 37, sometimes quite close to 0. This will lower the effectiveness of the enzymes and put stress on the digestive system, digesting less food. In fact the food gets fermented. The fermented food produce bad smelling gases, decays and forms toxins, which are absorbed in the intestines, get circulated in the blood and is delivered to the whole body. This spread of toxins can lead to the development of various diseases. Think before you drink Coke or Pepsi or any another soft drinks.
Have you ever thought what you drink when you drink an aerated drink? You gulp down carbon dioxide, something that no sane person in the world would advise you to do. A few months ago, there was a competition in Delhi University "Who can drink the most Coke?". The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough oxygen. From then on, the principal banned all soft drinks from the university canteen.
Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days it is dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only human organs that stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your delicate soft intestines and stomach lining! To all SODA LOVERS, think again the next time before you chug a lug!!
**Please read this article with an adult! DO NOT test any of these claims as they could bring harm. This article is just to provoke thoughts and opinions for our in class experiment!!**
Did you know that some things we do everyday can be harmful to our bodies? For example, not wearing a helmet while riding our bicycle or not brushing our teeth after we eat. Well...
How many of you drink a glass of soda without thinking that it could be dangerous?
Lets take a minute to learn about some the strong effects of soda on non living things?
Please watch the following clip to see what soda can do to things that are not living,imagine what (this thing, that we drink all the time,) can do to our living bodies.
(Click on the imagie to view a clip)
The following article tells us of the many wonderful uses of soda. After reading this please think, if it is strong enough to do this, is it good for our healthy bodies?
Great uses for soda & facts!!
2) To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of aluminum foils dipped in Coca-Cola. Much economical than the stuff from shop.
3) To clean corrosion from car batteries; Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.
4) To loosen a rusted bolt; Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
5) To remove grease from clothes; Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle.
6) It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
7) It helps police clean the roadways after an accident.(The acid in the soda eats up any body fluids that may remain on the roadway that could cause illness.)
8) The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its Ph is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.
9) To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly corrosive materials.
10) The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years.
Hey, what do we have here? A drink or a strong cleaner?! AHHHH, WE DRINK THIS STUFF!
The average pH of soft drinks, e.g. Coke, Pepsi is pH 3.4. This acidity is strong enough to dissolve teeth and bones! Our human body stops building bones at around the age of 30. After that it'll be dissolving about 8-18% of the bones each year through the urine, depending on the acidity of the food intake (acidity does not depend on the taste of the food, but on the ratio of potassium / calcium / magnesium / etc. to phosphorus).
All the dissolved calcium compounds accumulate in the arteries, veins, skin tissue, and organs. This affects the functioning of the kidney (kidney stones). Soft drinks do not have any nutritional value (in terms of vitamins and minerals). They have higher sugar content, higher acidity, and more additives such as preservatives and colourings.Some people like to take cold soft drinks after each meal, guess what's the impact? Our body has an optimum temperature of 37 degrees for the functioning of digestive enzymes. The temperature of cold soft drinks is much less than 37, sometimes quite close to 0. This will lower the effectiveness of the enzymes and put stress on the digestive system, digesting less food. In fact the food gets fermented. The fermented food produce bad smelling gases, decays and forms toxins, which are absorbed in the intestines, get circulated in the blood and is delivered to the whole body. This spread of toxins can lead to the development of various diseases. Think before you drink Coke or Pepsi or any another soft drinks.
Have you ever thought what you drink when you drink an aerated drink? You gulp down carbon dioxide, something that no sane person in the world would advise you to do. A few months ago, there was a competition in Delhi University "Who can drink the most Coke?". The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough oxygen. From then on, the principal banned all soft drinks from the university canteen.
Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days it is dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only human organs that stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your delicate soft intestines and stomach lining! To all SODA LOVERS, think again the next time before you chug a lug!!
Please write down your comments in your notebook so we can discuss them in class:)
Are you surprised???
Thank you for reading!!
Miss Noelle
viernes, 15 de junio de 2012
June 15th Friday 5B Tech class- NUTRIENTS
Good afternoon children!
Today during your computing class you will be doing an investigation directly related to Natural Science class unit on WELL BEING.
You must view & review the e-materials provided by Miss Marisel to learn & investigate about nutrition, specifically nutrients required by our bodies to live, grow, repair, etc.
After viewing your provided materials, you will be required to gather the following information. Your results of questions 3-5 should be organized & placed in a table that you will create in the program Microsoft Word.
1. What are nutrients?
2. Why do we need them?
3. Please investigate the function of the following nutrients needed by our body to survive. Please state each function specifically.
a.) carbohydrates
b.) protiens
c.) fat
d.) vitamens
e.) minerals
f.) water
4. Please provide examples of sources of these a-f (Where can we find these items? What are they?) What happens if you have a deficiency, meaning, if you do not have enough of it?
5. If you finish all of this work during the class & have some extra time, we will ask you to find pictures of your selected examples to demonstrate sources of nutrients.
We will use all of this information in another class to do a final project so please work carefully as this will be a resource for another project.
Thank you & have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle
Today during your computing class you will be doing an investigation directly related to Natural Science class unit on WELL BEING.
You must view & review the e-materials provided by Miss Marisel to learn & investigate about nutrition, specifically nutrients required by our bodies to live, grow, repair, etc.
After viewing your provided materials, you will be required to gather the following information. Your results of questions 3-5 should be organized & placed in a table that you will create in the program Microsoft Word.
1. What are nutrients?
2. Why do we need them?
3. Please investigate the function of the following nutrients needed by our body to survive. Please state each function specifically.
a.) carbohydrates
b.) protiens
c.) fat
d.) vitamens
e.) minerals
f.) water
4. Please provide examples of sources of these a-f (Where can we find these items? What are they?) What happens if you have a deficiency, meaning, if you do not have enough of it?
5. If you finish all of this work during the class & have some extra time, we will ask you to find pictures of your selected examples to demonstrate sources of nutrients.
We will use all of this information in another class to do a final project so please work carefully as this will be a resource for another project.
Thank you & have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle
viernes, 8 de junio de 2012
Body Systems- Excretory System
June 12th Tuesday
Children, please check inside the Natural Science tab to find other science links, diagrams & questions related to the other body systems (Respiratory, Nervous & Digestive.)
Thank You
Miss Noelle
Hello Children,
These past two weeks we have been investigating all our the scientific side of how our body works focasing on particular systems! You have been given assignments, materials to read, etc, during class.
Here are some fun links to help you visualize how the system works in action.
The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System This link provides you with some information.
The Heart Song This is a fun song to help you remember how the blood moves through the body.
A Working Heart A short video clip to watch how the circulatory system works.
Here are some questions that some teachers have presented in the classroom already through discussion, pictures & even these questions. Be sure to copy them in your notebook & write the answers. You will need this information for your group work, presentation & later evaluation.
1. Name the parts of the circulatory system.
2. a.)What do red blood cells do? (b.) white cells?
3. Why do we call the circulatory system a transport system?
4. Why does your blood have to go to the lungs before being pumped around your body?
5. Which vessels carry blood away from the heart?
6. What are capillaries?
7. What does your blood carry around the body? *Think*
a.) From the digestive system to the cells.
b.) From your lungs to the cells.
c.) All around your body.
d.) Out of your cells.
8. What is blood made up of?
9. Name the bloods vessels.
10. Describe the neart in a few words.
11. Draw the circulatory system.
2. What are the main parts of this system?
3. Why does our body need an excretory system?
4. Where does waste come from? How is waste eliminated?
5. Name 3 ways in which waste is removed from our bodies.
6. Name an example of a waste product.
Please check in again next week for a few links to check & see if your answers are correct:)
Thank you & Have Fun Learning!!
Miss Noelle
Children, please check inside the Natural Science tab to find other science links, diagrams & questions related to the other body systems (Respiratory, Nervous & Digestive.)
Thank You
Miss Noelle
Hello Children,
These past two weeks we have been investigating all our the scientific side of how our body works focasing on particular systems! You have been given assignments, materials to read, etc, during class.
Here are some fun links to help you visualize how the system works in action.
The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System This link provides you with some information.
The Heart Song This is a fun song to help you remember how the blood moves through the body.
A Working Heart A short video clip to watch how the circulatory system works.
Here are some questions that some teachers have presented in the classroom already through discussion, pictures & even these questions. Be sure to copy them in your notebook & write the answers. You will need this information for your group work, presentation & later evaluation.
1. Name the parts of the circulatory system.
2. a.)What do red blood cells do? (b.) white cells?
3. Why do we call the circulatory system a transport system?
4. Why does your blood have to go to the lungs before being pumped around your body?
5. Which vessels carry blood away from the heart?
6. What are capillaries?
7. What does your blood carry around the body? *Think*
a.) From the digestive system to the cells.
b.) From your lungs to the cells.
c.) All around your body.
d.) Out of your cells.
8. What is blood made up of?
9. Name the bloods vessels.
10. Describe the neart in a few words.
11. Draw the circulatory system.
The Excretory System ehw (homework for Monday!)
1. What is the main function of the excretory system?2. What are the main parts of this system?
3. Why does our body need an excretory system?
4. Where does waste come from? How is waste eliminated?
5. Name 3 ways in which waste is removed from our bodies.
6. Name an example of a waste product.
Please check in again next week for a few links to check & see if your answers are correct:)
Thank you & Have Fun Learning!!
Miss Noelle
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