We have decided to try to make good use of e-lessons this year to provide you with extra information we may not have time to share with you at school. We will be adding resources, school projects & homework on this site so you can explore some of our in class topics from the comfort of your home!!
ALWAYS use the internet SAFELY and with adult supervision. Ask your parents and teachers for help!!
Thank you for taking a look!!
Miss Noelle

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

ITC Class April 13th, 2012

ICT Project April 13, 2012

Please use your time wisely as you will only have one session to complete this project.

Read the instructions carefully & do your best!! You will be evaluated in both English & Social Studies. Here are the requirements of what your work must include about your research into the ancient civilizations of the Incas, Mayas & Aztecs. (Please refer to the back your literacy notebook when you are checking your work for mistakes. )

For example, you must check spelling, coherence, connectors (such as, since, when, also, but, even though, so, etc.) repetition, punctuation, capital letters & your verbs in the past tense.) Please try to include some of your new vocabulary. Your type written work must include a total of 3 paragraphs, an intro, body & conclusion.

You must include both your thoughts & facts. Each paragraph must have a minimum of 3 lines each. (Hint- a very well developed Form 5 sentence.)

Your 1st paragraph must be the introduction. It may begin with such starters as, 40,000 years ago…
Thousands of years ago…
During the ice age…

Your 2nd paragraph must be your development, the explanation of what you have learned. It may begin with such starters as,
A group of hunters… and settled…
A group… and settled...

Your 3rd paragraph must be your conclusión, your findings, or final analysis of this learning experience. It may begin with,
Before the ancient civilizations project I…
When we started the project about ancient civilizations, I…
Learning about this culture… helped me realize that…

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