We have decided to try to make good use of e-lessons this year to provide you with extra information we may not have time to share with you at school. We will be adding resources, school projects & homework on this site so you can explore some of our in class topics from the comfort of your home!!
ALWAYS use the internet SAFELY and with adult supervision. Ask your parents and teachers for help!!
Thank you for taking a look!!
Miss Noelle

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Jackson Pollack the artist

Hello Children,

  Everyday we come in contact with art whether we know it or not. We create it, interpret it, share it, etc.  Art in some way touches us everyday.

 Lately at school we have been exploring the art world.  Miss Carmen shared a wonderful presentation with us & now it is our turn to investigate & explore!!

The artist we will look at together is Jackson Pollack. An american artist, a leader in the abstract expressionist movement.
(Click for biography)

I's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. — Henry David Thoreau

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

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