We have decided to try to make good use of e-lessons this year to provide you with extra information we may not have time to share with you at school. We will be adding resources, school projects & homework on this site so you can explore some of our in class topics from the comfort of your home!!
ALWAYS use the internet SAFELY and with adult supervision. Ask your parents and teachers for help!!
Thank you for taking a look!!
Miss Noelle

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012


What is an Ecosystem?

Today we will venture out into nature to observe ecosystems near our school & to try & extract small elements to recreate a small ecosystem for our classroom.  Please pay attention to this review to help you be ready in your exploration & daily observations!!
Thanks & have fun learning!! 
Miss Noelle
An ecosystem is a complex set of relationships among the living resources, habitats, and residents of an area. It includes plants, trees, animals, fish, birds, microrganisms, water, soil, and people. When an ecosystem is healthy, scientists say it is sustainable. This means that all the elements live in balance and are capable of reproducing themselves. There is usually biodiversity, meaning that there are a variety of living organisms and species in that environment.

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